Tips for a Successful Glass Quest

The Northwest Glass Quest is an epic 10-day treasure hunt hosted annually on Camano Island and in Stanwood, Washington. The event is organized by the Camano Island Chamber of Commerce in partnership with glass artists and local businesses. If you’re out hunting for Clue Balls during the 16th annual Northwest Glass Quest, here are a few tips to make the most of your quest. Don’t forget to stop by Cactus + Co. during the event, we will be hiding clue balls in the shop.

  1. Review The Glass Quest Handbook:

    The best way to get started is to visit the Glass Quest website or download the Glass Quest app to review the event handbook for details. These resources will help you understand how the event works, include photos of what Clue Balls look like, list all of the different hiding locations and have maps showing where clue balls can be hidden. We wouldn’t recommend participating without having done this first.

  2. Don’t get too hung up at one location:

    Be sure to look thoroughly at each location you visit, but don’t get too hung up if you haven’t located a clue ball. Clue balls can be hidden any time throughout the day, and may not be hidden in each location every day. As a participating business, we’re sworn to secrecy, and cannot disclose if or when a clue ball is hidden, but we can tell you that if you’re in a shop, and haven’t found a clue ball within 15-30 minutes, you may be looking when there isn’t one to find. Try changing locations and coming back another time.

  3. Follow the Northwest Glass Quest social media accounts:

    Each day you can find an updated list with how many clue balls are remaining in different community sites and parks. This can help you decide which places you’ll want to hunt. Here are their Instagram and Facebook account links.

  4. Check for clues:

    Some participating businesses will share clues to point you in the right direction. These clues may be shared through their social media pages, e-mail list, or website. Clues may also be available if you ask at the location you’re visiting. Not all businesses share clues however, you can identify which businesses will be sharing clues through the Glass Quest Handbook. At Cactus + Co. we will not be sharing clues, as our space is already so small.

  5. Enter giveaways where you can:

    We know it may feel discouraging if you’re unable to find a clue ball, but some businesses will offer options for you to win a non-certificated Glass Float from the event. You can also purchase a glass float at many different Glass Quest locations. The only difference with these is that they won’t come with a number and matching certificate, and for the giveaways you may have to wait until the event ends for your prize. Visit us in store at Cactus + Co. to learn how you can be entered into our Giveaway for a non-certificated Glass Ball during this 10-day event.

  6. Be sure to check-in during your quest:

    You can use the Glass Quest website or App to check-in during your Quest. Checking in will enter you to win a daily raffle for a Glass Ball from the event organizers.

  7. Be a Kind Quester:

    You have the chance to win other glass treasures through the Kind Quester program. This is another way for you and your family to participate and to keep the focus on what this event is about, immersing yourself in nature, building connections within the community, supporting small businesses, and making a positive impact—one thoughtful action at a time. You’ll find a list of Kind Quester activities through the Northwest Glass Quest event website, or you can click here to download it. These can also be found at Glass Quest Headquarters and may be available at participating businesses. When you complete 6 of the 16 suggested activities and submit your form at the Glass Quest Headquarters, it will qualify you for a chance to win a handmade glass button with the 2025 stamp.

    Also, there are Secret Kindness Agents who will be out at community locations, and in participating business that have special cards they may give out to any Questers that they witness being kind. Each card includes a QR code on the back, allowing you to enter your information, and on February 28th, the event organizers will randomly select one lucky winner, from these entries only, to receive a hand-blown glass prize.

  8. Make a donation to the event:

    For every $10 donated to the event your name will be entered into a drawing for the #1 or #2 Glass Ball from the 2025 event. Winners will be drawn the morning of Sunday February 23rd by the Camano Island Chamber of Commerce. Make a donation on the chamber website here.

We appreciate you visiting us. Thank you for participating and making this event so fun for us as a business too. Good luck!


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