
Tips for a Successful Glass Quest
Hailey Dekle Hailey Dekle

Tips for a Successful Glass Quest

The Northwest Glass Quest is an epic 10-day treasure hunt hosted annually on Camano Island and in Stanwood, Washington. The event is organized by the Camano Island Chamber of Commerce in partnership with glass artists, and local businesses. If you’re out hunting for Clue Balls during the 16th annual Northwest Glass Quest, here are a few tips to make the most of your quest. Don’t forget to stop by Cactus + Co. during the event, we will be hiding clue balls in the shop.

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Houseplant Repotting 101 Guide
Hailey Dekle Hailey Dekle

Houseplant Repotting 101 Guide

We totally get how repotting your houseplants can feel overwhelming, especially if you’re newer to owning and caring for plants indoors. In this blog post we’ll answer some of the most common questions that we get asked and provide some guidance, so you’ll feel more confident repotting your house plants.

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5 Things to Do on Camano Island
Hailey Dekle Hailey Dekle

5 Things to Do on Camano Island

Camano Island is a beautiful Island destination with a small-town feel that doesn’t require a ferry ride like many people think. We’re actually just a quick drive off of I5, through the city of Stanwood and over a bridge. Whether you live on Camano, you’re moving to the Island, or you’re visiting for a day-trip or weekend getaway, here are a few places to visit and things to do while you’re on Camano Island.

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The Ultimate Home Reset: 20 Ways to Boost Happiness This Spring
Hailey Dekle Hailey Dekle

The Ultimate Home Reset: 20 Ways to Boost Happiness This Spring

Our surroundings hold significant sway over our mood and well-being, often shaping our experiences more than we realize. The activities we engage in within these walls mold our emotional state, productivity, and overall perspective. So, if you find yourself feeling low without a clear cause, your home may be to blame.

No matter if you call DesMoines, IA, Boise,ID, or any place in between home, with spring on the horizon, there's no better time to implement simple yet transformative changes within our living spaces. To help set the stage to boost happiness and cultivate a sense of fulfillment that extends beyond the confines of our homes, check out this ApartmentGuide article we were featured in for 20 ways to boost happiness at home this spring.

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Defining Common Plant Terms
Hailey Dekle Hailey Dekle

Defining Common Plant Terms

If you’ve taken up house plants as a hobby or as a means of decor for your space, and you don’t have any botanical background, you may have heard these terms and wondered what they mean. You may even be looking for the word to describe what you’re seeing on your house plants. In this blog post we’ll share 4 common plant terms and define them for you. You’ll feel like a pro in no time.

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Bright Indirect Light Explained
Hailey Dekle Hailey Dekle

Bright Indirect Light Explained

Providing your houseplants with proper lighting is going to be crucial to their happiness, and their survival, but if you’re newer to owning indoor plants it may be a bit confusing to figure out so we’re here to help break it down for you.

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